Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Who do they think they are?

I really dont know who the England football team think they are. Tonight after the game against Poland they decided that they arent speaking to the media as they were unhappy with the way they were treated after Saturdays debacle against Austria by various members of it.

Now, some of this criticism was a bit over the top after the game, but if you read rubbish then you are going to see what it has to say. This new outbreak of sulkiness comes almost a year after threatening to go out on strike.

They represent this country, they represent the people of it, they are paid very well for the priviledge of doing something most men would have their Mothers sold for. Poor them if some people say some nasty words about them, I bet they dont mind if nice things are said about them so take the rough with the smooth. They, as national representatives are there to be shot at, they chose this career knowing the side effects of it.

If they think post Saturday was bad, imagine the carnage tomorrow morning when the press hounds get their teeth into them about this.

Maybe its a blessing they aren't talking, it would only be full of 'yeahs', 'y'knows', 'one game at a time' and other assorted cliches.

Or maybe the real reason for not talking is that David James was using the team brain cell and as he wasnt playing no-one in the team knew how to talk.


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